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2:52 p.m. - 2006-08-02
Stacy on movies.
There is nothing sweeter than having an ice cream social at work. While an odd concept, it was a nice one. I love you strawberry ice cream. Perhaps the only thing that would have made it better was being sent home for the day. I have episodes of Animaniacs and Pinky & the Brain to watch prior to meeting Rob Paulsen this weekend. Pressing matters, I must say.

I finally watched the first disk to the American Gothic series I received from Netflix over a month ago. I'm suffering from severe Netflix Guilt right now. I basically sat on the first three disks of the series for a month, and forked out $20 for basically NOTHING. Hence the guilt. That money could have been better spent on iTunes or something.

I still have like three or four disks left to receive! IF the stupid shows had actually 1) aired in ORDER and 2) been placed on the disks in ORDER, I would not be freaking out about missing episode four or five. It happens to be on the fifth disk and there is no way to get that without first sending two disks back. Why is it so difficult to put things in the order they need to be in? I believe the show would have thrived if they were aired in the intended order and not when they were actually produced. But what do I know of such matters anyway?

Speaking of iTunes, I bought the sountrack to Pirates II and Mediaeval Baebes' Undrentide last night. Sweet.

Completely unrelated, yet not because I am going back to my Netflix membership, I will be using said membership to rent and watch ALL of the movies on AFI's top 100 list(s). Since there is more than one list, I may pick and choose from each list. Each will have their own page and then the date I watched them next to it. I've been keeping a paper copy for at least three months now (since I began my membership) and so far I have 2 movies rented! WOW! Hey, I had to rent Cannibal the Musical, Orgazmo, and Cannibal Holocaust first. DUH! I also had to rent American Gothic, because I am 1)too cheap to buy it and 2) was afraid the show was not nearly as good as I remember it. I may do the same with Seaquest. Although I looooved that show way back when, I would hate to buy it and then find out I hated it. is awesome for this very reason.

With that, I should get back to work. I do have a private diary, blog, I don't care what you call it. When I am not too lazy, I will create a template for this thing and place up all my links. For now, if you are curious, check out my profile. The diary is locked, but I am more than happy to give out the password. Unless your name is Steve. If that's the case, it sucks to be you.


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