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1:02 p.m. - 2006-06-12
Bright, shiny and new...
Ahhh...the sweet liberation that is a very first entry in a new diary. My last one became more of a pain to update. I had to put it on lock down back in December because my ex is a complete douche and found me again. Ever since said lock down, I have hated most every minute of it. Although I am able to be more open, honest, and up front because of a password....I also felt stiffled by that same password.

My buddy list was rather small to begin with, and it has dwindled even more because of the lock down. While I'm not out to have a ton of readers, frankly I could care less, I just want the opportunity to find other like minded individuals out there. Having a locked diary makes that all the more difficult.

I always feel weird in social settings. Who else, besides myself, listens to Howard Stern every single day? Moreover, are there any other females that listen to Howard Stern on a daily basis? All burning, yet legitimate, questions. This is what I want to find via this medium. I'm not trying to be clever. I don't want EVERYONE to come here. I simply want to be myself and not have people look at me funny.

With that, I will bring my very first entry in my shiny new blog to a close.


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